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You should have permission in writing from all the owners of the property.

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Q: In an undivided interest property can one and only one partner give permission to hunt?
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Can I sign off my partner on the title to the house?

If your partner acquired her interest by virtue of a deed then the answer is no. The only person who can "sign off" their interest in the title to property is the person who own the interest.

Can my partner in the deed add another person on or leave it to a new wife?

Since you refer to the other person as your partner on the deed I will assume you don't hold the property as tenants by the entirety. You each own a one-half interest in the property. Your partner on the deed can convey their half to a third party or convey it to themself and another person. However, their conveyance of their one-half interest will not affect your one-half interest. If you and your partner own the property as joint tenants with the right of survivorship they cannot leave their interest to another person by a will. If they die while you own it together their interest will automatically pass to you. A person can transfer an interest in joint property by deed but not by will.

In Indiana does a common law wife have any rights to property that is in her husbands name?

No. There is no common law marriage in the state of Indiana. An unmarried partner has no legal interest in their partner's property.

What type of deed do you need if your partner is not on the mortgage but you want her to have interest in the property?

joint survivership

In dealing with real estate does a silent partner partake in monthly income from property?

Yes, as repayment and interest....

How many deeds can you have on a property?

One or more depending on how the property was acquired by the owners. A person could convey a half interest to their partner. In that case there would be two deeds to the property. By another method a person could convey the property to self and a partner. In that case there would be one new deed for the property. A title examination will determine the current owner(s) of the property.

How do you have your ex partner removed from your mortgage?

You would need to negotiate with the bank. It may require that you refinance in your own name. If your ex-partner is also on the deed then they will need to convey their interest in the property to you by a quitclaim deed.

Can your ex partner who moved into your house claim half of your house we have 3 small children the house was mine when we met?

Unless you conveyed a portion of the house or were legally married, the former partner has no interest in your property.

After 28 years your partner went to live with his daughter because of age problems. You own property as joint tenants and pay all the bills. What are your rights?

You have the right to the use and possession of the property. However, you can't sell or mortgage it without your partner's signature. When your partner dies his interest in the property will pass automatically to you by right of survivorship with no need of probate. Your best bet would be to just continue to pay the bills for your home, remain silent and let nature take its course. A joint tenant can convey their interest in the property and break the joint tenancy. If your partner executed a deed to someone else in his family now, the survivorship tenancy would be severed and you would only own a half interest in the property. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your position.

Can you give your partner permission to use your bank card?

Yes, you can give your partner permission, and your personal identification number, to use your bank card, but you should be certain that your partner can be trusted, and will not wind up robbing you.

When a brother and sister own a house jointly is it possible to transfer my half to my partner?

Yes. You can convey your interest in the property to your partner. However, you should seek the advice of an attorney to discuss your options and the consequences as to the tenancy that will be created by a transfer.

Can a partner property is a joint Hindu family firm property?

yes because firm is not a legal entity in the name of firm partner earn money n they get purchase property in the name of partner.