Not usually, depends on the local rules. As long as they are reasonable kicks, its usually ok.
use your toe and kick as hard as you can
with your foot.
no. only if its a bad foul on all of the fouls.
Kickball is not a professional sport.
In kickball, the ball is rolled down to home plate and you have to kick the ball. In softball, the ball is thrown underhand and you have to hit it with your bat. Sometimes in kickball, you can get pegged which is when they chuck the ball and you, in softball that's not allowed. Also in kickball, the ball is made of rubber, in softball its much harder and dangerous.
No,if you kick it,it's called for "kickball,"you can't do it at all,whether it's on purpose or not.
You can kick it really soft (bunt it can ) and you can kick really high (only if you are good at kicking)
When someone fouls the player with the ball
Kickball, originally called "Kick Baseball", was invented around 1917 by Nicholas C. Seuss; Supervisor of Cincinnati Park Playgrounds in Cincinnati, Ohio
Kickball is reported to have been invented in the early 1940s.
The rules of kickball are the same as baseball: three strikes your out, three outs then change sides and the other team kicks the ball. The pitcher rolls you the ball instead of throwing you the ball.
The ball is easiest to kick without hurting your foot is a soccerball.