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It is difficult to solder without the soldering iron, but not impossible. So, let’s talk about how to solder without a soldering iron.

Getting a Heat Source

Since you don’t have a soldering iron, you are going to need a heat source to heat up the various parts and the solder itself. In this case, it means having an open flame or heat source to provide the heat needed to melt the parts.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that your heat source needs to be able to heat up the solder to its melting point, which is going to be between 400° and 700° Fahrenheit, or about 200° to 370° Celsius.

Things like normal butane lighters, oil lamps, alcohol burners, candles, and even open flames like a campfire should do just fine for this task. Some people even choose to use a thick tin can and create a small and contained fire inside. As long as your heat source can melt the solder, you will be fine.

Soldering by Heating the Wires Directly

The easiest way to solder with a soldering iron is to twist the wires together and heat them directly. It doesn’t require a soldering iron and is quite easy to do. If you are soldering wires, strip the insulation off the ends of the wires to be soldered together.

Now, twist the ends of the wires together with a few rotations. Make sure that the wires are twisted tightly together. What you want to do here is to heat up the wires using your open flame.

Make sure to not heat up the insulation past the exposed wires too much, as this can cause its own problems. Let the twisted wires heat up for about 20 seconds, then slowly apply a thin layer of solder to them. The solder should melt right onto the wires, but if it does not, heat up the wires more to make it melt.

You don’t want a cold solder joint as these are not effective. Now that you have the solder connection, you can cut off the rest of the exposed wires past the point of the solder.

Using Small or Large Heat Sources for Soldering

If you are working with a small heat source, such as a candle or a lighter, you need to use a small soldering iron, like the tip of old scissors. The best thing is 14-gauge steel wire, as it heats fast, but retains heat fast enough to solder with. The wire is easy to bend into shape for various soldering positions. Nails and screwdrivers work too.

Now you want to use your lighter or candle to heat the soldering tool of choice. Heat it about ½ inch from the very tip, as this will help prevent damage and oxidation.

Allow the wire, nail, or other soldering tool of choice to heat up for about 20 seconds, then move quickly to solder the components that require soldering. If necessary, keep repeating this process until you are done.

Conclusion is that it is not impossible to work on solder without soldering iron.

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ronald smith

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You can solder without a soldering iron by using a lighter.

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Why do you need to tin first the wire before soldering it?

pre tinning make it easier to solder wire because the solder is already " stuck" to the wire. and less solder will be needed to join the wire. if you watch the solder under a magnifier while tinning, you will notice the solder does not flow and "stick" until proper heat and flux ar applied. this heat usually is more than required to melt the solder because it takes mor heat to heat up the wire due to higher density. after tinning, less heat is required to melt the solder, and enough flux is usually left from tinning to quickly join the wire to the desired material provided the material is also tinned. this reduces cold solder and provides for a more relible connection. To tin the wire first is to cover the end of the wire with a layer of solder before you put it thru the hole in the PCB that will give you insurance of a proper electrical contact else you will put a heap of solder on the PCB without a proper contact with the wire itself what is called a dry joint that go for un tinted copper wire only normally all electronic component pins is factory tinted