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Q: How to run without touching the ground?
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In cricket how do the players score points?

Each run is one point. A ball reaching the boundary, but touching the ground on the way, scores four points. If the ball reaches past the boundary, without touching the ground, it scores six points.

How do maglev trains manage to run without touching the ground?

Maglev trains use powerful magnets to create a magnetic field that lifts and propels the train above the track. This technology allows the train to levitate and move without touching the ground, reducing friction and increasing speed and efficiency.

What is a sixer in cricket?

a sixer is when the batsman hits a shot without touching the boundary.

Does lightning always make contact with the ground?

No, lightning does not always make contact with the ground. It can also occur within clouds or between clouds without touching the ground.

What do you do in the event of a storm?

In the event of a thunderstorm you want to be as low to the ground without touching to much of the ground. For example the best way is to crouch down into a ball on your toes.

Can a goal be scored in soccer directly from a goal kick without even touching anything even the ground?

Yes it is possible.

A cloud that is near or touching the ground?

Fog is near or on the ground.

What do you do if you are dancing the limbo?

a stick of some kind is held at a certain height, you have to bend back and walk under it without touching the stick or the ground.

Cricket fielder tries to run out batsman bat is in air above crease?

If the neither the batsman or the bat are touching the ground in the crease when the ball hits the wickets, the batsman is out. This is why it is important to 'grind your bat' as you run in.

A funnel cloud touching the ground?

A funnel cloud that touches the ground is a tornado.

How do you hit six in the cricket match?

This is a mad question. You have to play for learn.

How do you hit a cricket ball for six?

By hitting the ball over the boundary without the ball touching the ground before hand. If the ball touches the ground before the boundary but goes over it, it scores four.