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Q: How long does it take an ostrich to run 18 miles?
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An ostrich can run at speeds of up to 72 kilometers per hour. How long will it take an ostrich to run 2.5 kilometers at this top speed in seconds?

70 Kilmeters

How far can an ostrich run in 1 minute?

an ostrich can run up to 40 miles per hour (65 kilometers per our

Who runs faster a giraffe or ostrich?

of course the ostrich because ostrich can run 35 miles per hour and giraffe can only run 55 km. per hour only ..........................

What is the fastest 2 leg creature?

The fastest two-legged creature is the ostrich, which can run at speeds up to 45 miles per hour.

What can run almost 40 miles per hour?

either a cheetah or an ostrich

How long will it take you to run 4 miles if you run 5.5 miles per hour?

About 43 minutes.

How fast can an ostrich run at full speed in mph?

An ostrich can run 40mph and sustain 30mph.

What is the fastest running bird?

An ostrich, they can run at more than 30 miles per hour.TRhe fastest running bird is the Ostrich, they can run at more than 30 MPH.TRhe fastest running bird is the Ostrich, they can run at more than 30 MPH.

What bird has a long neck and can run fast?

Ostrich and Emu.

How long would it take to run 139 miles?

It depends on how fast you can run and for how long you can sustain that speed.

Does an ostrich walk or run faster?

No, an ostrich can run at speeds of around 45 mph (The fastest of all land birds), and the fastest that a man has ever run is 100 meters in 9.58 seconds (Usain Bolt), that works out at 23.4 mph.

Who is fastest among ostrich and cheetah?

A cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. An ostrich can run at top speed of about 30 mph. A cheetah can run at top speed of about 70 mph. Answer an Ostrich can run up to 40 miles per hour (MPH). A cheetah can run up to 70 miles per hour (MPH). A cheetah is faster.