not very long, only into their early to late 60's. but that's only the average costa rican, some can live much longer than that depending on their standard of living
Costa Ricans are people who live in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a country in Central America south of Honduras and north of Panama. haha
Costa Ricans call themselves any of the following:CostarricensesTicosLos Ticossome people use the word Costarriqueños, but this is not preferred.In English, People in Costa Rica are called Costa Ricans.
Tico is another word for Costa Ricans.
Costa Ricans
Costa Ricans
Costa Ricans
A fork
According to a June 2006 Universidad de Costa Rica poll, 16.4% of Costa Ricans supported same-sex marriage.
According to a June 2006 Universidad de Costa Rica poll, 71.4% of Costa Ricans opposed same-sex marriage.
The capital city of Costa Rica is San Jose