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Q: How long do carbon arrows last for?
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What is better to hunt with carbon or aluminum arrows?

Carbon arrows are superior for hunting. Aluminum arrows are less expensive, lighter (faster), and if they get bent can be straitened easily. Carbon arrows are a little pricier, but are stronger and penetrate the game better because they can be a little skinnier.

What is a bow and arrow made out of?

Woo for the bow. And mostly carbon for the arrows

What is the beat bow and arrow for a 11 year old girl?

It depends on what style of shooting you want to do. If you want to go compound, which is the faster bow which is used for target shooting and hunting, then I have a Hoyt which I absolutely LOVE! And I use carbon fat boy arrows with fledglings for compititions, but regular carbon arrows are good starter arrows. As for recurve, my friend also has a Hoyt brand which they really like! They have carbon arrows with feathers.

What kind of arrow should you shoot from your Jennings buckmaster compound bow?

Dude, you can shoot like any arrow as long as its long enough. Just check the pounds of your bow and find arrows that match the poundage. If your hunting with the compound though I would suggest carbon arrows because they hold up better. My favorite to shoot are wooden arrows with legitimate feather fletchings, but there expensive

Both of the carbon-oxygen double bonds in CO2 are polar In which direction should the polarity arrows point?

The polarity arrows should point towards the more electronegative atom, which is the oxygen atom. The oxygen atom attracts the shared electron pairs more strongly than the carbon atom, creating a partial negative charge on the oxygens and a partial positive charge on the carbon atom.

What are Carbon Express arrows used for?

Carbon Express Arrows are commonly used in archery competition as they typically allow the shooter to have a more accurate shot. They may also be used in hunting but are not as strong as a normal hunting arrow would be.

How long does activated carbon last in a filtration system?

Activated carbon typically lasts for about 6 to 12 months in a filtration system before it needs to be replaced.

I used Beman 40-60 carbon arrows when I bow hunted two years ago I can't seem to find Beman 40-60 arrows Does anyone know if Beman makes these arrows anymore Or do they make a match to that size?

The current range of Beman arrows can be found here >>>

Is it better to shoot aluminiun or carbon arrows when hunting with a re-curve bow?

They both have their ups and downs. Be careful with carbon, they may shatter if you hit a bone.

How long does a carbon water filter typically last before needing to be replaced?

A carbon water filter typically lasts for about 6 months before needing to be replaced.

How big were Tudor bow and arrows?

6 feet long

How long have people used bows and arrows?

Primitive bows and arrows have been in use about 3,000 years. The accurate Welsh longbow and fletched arrows have been in use since about 1300 AD