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you should be able to jump 2 meters i can jump 4 meters and i am only 12 with no help.

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Q: How far can a 12 year old jump?
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What is the record for the high jump for a 12 year old girl?

The record for a 12-year old girl is 5 feet, 6 inches.

How high can the average 5 foot 12 year old jump?

It all depends on the 12 year old and how strong their legs are. The kid who has played soccer his whole life can probably jump higher than the kid in the wheelchair, ya know?

What does momentum have to do with figure skating?

i am a 12 yr old figure skater and what momentum has to do with it is if you jump or spin, you need alot of momentum to get you to jump higher! SOrry, 12 year old girl, you arent allwoed on this site. Be gone.

Is it OK for a 12 year old to be a 16 year old's girlfriend?

No, it is not OK for a 12 year old to be a 16 year old's girlfriend. A 12 year old is far to immature and much too young for a sexual relationship. A 16 year old who would take advantage of a 12 year is breaking the law.

Is it illegal for a 12 year old girl to jump out of a helicopter?

It depends what you mean by jump out. If you mean parachuting then there are age restrictions which vary from country to country.

What is the farthest long jump score by a 12 year old girl?

My friend's sister is almost twelve and she can jump 24 feet in triple jump - she got third place in her meet -its says long jump in the question

In Illinois can a 12 year old watch kids?

By law, they are still considered minors, so if there was trouble where authorities were involved, then probably the parents of that minor might be held responsible. As far as the actuality of a 12 year old doing this? It's possible. But as far as safety? It might result in more harm than good done, but no law forbids a 12 year old to have this responsibility as far as I am aware of.

I am a 12 year old 5'3 boywhite who can jump 9 feet and eleven inches off the ground is that impressive?

That is impresive.

What is long jump record for 12 year old boy?

I do not know but anywhere above 10 meters is exceptional for a 12 year old. I got 11 meters 26 when I was 12 and that was a new district record, by quite some way.Adding to the above, the Australian Little Athletics website gives a (2009) national record for a 12 year old girl as 12.09

What is the best jump a 12 year old should be doing in figure skating?

It can easily vary from person, to person. Some 12 year olds can do double axels and some have never even heard of skates.

What is the average length of a broad jump for a 7 year old?

My 7 year old sister jumps in the 9' range, and she is just beginning. I would say the average is probably 10'-12'.

What is an outside game that a 5 7 9 and 12 year old would like to play together?

they could play hopscotch or jump rope