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it does balance it, it makes it worse

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Q: How does the fishing industry keep an ecosystem balanced?
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Why does presence of predators help keep an ecosystem stable?

The predators keep prey populations balanced.

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because they keep the ocean's ecosystem balanced

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The predators keep prey populations balanced.

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It is valuable because they keep our ecosystem balanced by killing prey and not letting them over populate.If there was no cheetahs they will over populate and the ecosystem will be unbalanced

Can fishing threaten the ocean ecosystem?

It can if a species is over fished there needs to be constant conservation and protections of fish to keep their numbers up.

How do food chains help keep the animal population balanced?

Food chains help keep animal populations balanced by regulating the number of animals in an ecosystem. Predators control the population of prey animals, preventing overpopulation. This balance ensures that resources are not overexploited and that the ecosystem remains healthy and stable.

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The keystone species in any given community protect other species from their predators, so that those species are able to function correctly and do their jobs, or add their contribution to keep the ecosystem up and running.

How do you keep balance of your ecosystem?

Maintaining biodiversity, managing human activities carefully (like fishing or logging), protecting habitats, monitoring and controlling invasive species, and promoting sustainable practices are key ways to keep balance in an ecosystem. By doing so, we can help ensure a healthy and stable environment for all living organisms to thrive.

What does stop fishing mean?

It means to keep fishing

How do you catch an old mob in flick fishing?

You keep fishing in old pond and keep using bait fish

Why was the beaver war important for Canada?

beaver are important because they are a part of the ecosystem and keep Canada's food chain balanced they are a national symol and represent us they are on the nickel because of there animalness. i like beavers