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pull them apart.

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Q: How do you separate fishing rod sections?
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Why cant you buy the gold fishing rod in tree of tranquility?

Before you can get the gold fishing rod you have to get the silver fishing rod and before you get the silver fishing rod you have to get the copper fishing rod. To get the copper fishing rod you upgrade your regular fishing rod at the general store.

What does the golden fishing rod do in animal crossing?

The golden fishing rod extends the fishing line 2x farther then a regular fishing rod.

What is fishing rod?

A fishing rod or a fishing pole is a tool used to catch fish,

What makes a fly fishing rod different from a regular fishing rod?

There are several differences between a fly fishing rod and a regular fishing rod and the most obvious would be the the way the rod is constructed. Regular fishing rods are usually glued pieces to form the rod whereas the fly fishing rod is usually "glued" together with synthetic materials.

How do you get a fishing rod on pet society?

You get a free twig fishing rod automatically when you go to the fishing pond.

What is a macth rod for?

a fishing rod

Where do you get a rod in pokemon heartgold?

Old Rod---Route 32 from the Fishing Guru Good Rod---Olivine City from the Fishing Guru Super Rod---Route 12 from the Fishing Guru

On my sims agents how do you get a fishing rod?

To get the fishing rod you have to finish the game first. Then when you finish you have to do a riddle from the major and when you get it right go to him later and you will get a starter fishing rod from him.

The blacksmith won't give me the copper fishing rod on harvest moon ds?

Before you can get a copper fishing rod are you sure you have followed this checklist?1. I Own enough copper to give to the black smith for the Copper fishing rod?2. I have enough experience with my fishing rod that it can be upgraded to copper?3. Do I have enough gold to get my fishing rod upgraded?4. Do I own a fishing rod?If those 4 are ALL complete you should be able to get your fishing rod upgraded.

Where do you get a fishing rod on Pokemon Diamond?

You talk to fishermen and one gives you a fishing rod.

Where is the fishing rod in Pokemon Black and White?

You get the fishing rod at your home after the elite four.

How do you make a bow from a fishing rod?

To make a bow from a fishing rod, remove the fishing line and reel from the rod. Curve the fishing rod into a bow shape, making sure it has enough flexibility. You can then attach a string to the ends of the rod to complete your makeshift bow. Remember that a fishing rod may not be as effective as a traditional bow for archery purposes.