It would be play, as the sentence would read for example, 'Do you play different sports?',
'Pintsinker has played many different sports in his lifetime', or even 'Pintsinker is hopeless at playing different sports'.
There are a great many sports that are played in the world. These sports include football, soccer, swimming, tennis, and Basketball.
in France they say many different sports but do you mean what sports do the play in France?
je joue le sport - this means i play sports
Quels sports pratiquez-vous jouer?
you would say i play loads of different sports activities
"faire du sport" is the French equivalent to 'play sports'
They can play too rough and get hurt.
Hago / practico deporte
In what language?
I have one and I have to say, It would be pretty hard to play sports. You still *might* be able to, but I wouldn't try it.
¿Le / les / te / os gusta practicar / hacer deporte (s)?Literally, this means "Is to play sports pleasing to you?", but the translation sounds better in English when you say "Do you like to play sports?"
i would say soccer and/or football
"No." is a good place to start