Green can be made by mixing blue and yellow together. Adjusting the amount of each color can create different shades of green. Other methods include mixing different shades of green paint or using green pigments.
You would add blue to yellow to make green. The combination of yellow and blue creates different shades of green, depending on the amounts of each color used.
Hot Pink
Different species of oyster make different kinds of pearls: white pearl oysters make shades of white (cream, pink, yellow, gold, silver) and black pearl oysters make shades of black (green, purple, blue, grey.)
pink and green make a deep purple depending on the shades
Of course the chlorophyll makes the grass green! The green comes from the chlorophyll.
No, blood does not make grass grow green. Grass requires sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil to grow green. Blood contains nutrients that could potentially benefit plants, but it is not a recommended or effective fertilizer for grass.
Look after it more and water it
put green paint on it
its not grass.. its astroturf
Brown. Different amounts will give different shades.