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When you catch your fish, first descale it by scratching away at the scales from the tail towards the head.

When it has been descaled, put the knife, point first, about half way along the fishes belly, normally just behind the fin on its belly.

Put the knife into the fish and make a slit about 5 inches long. Then using your finger, remove the guts and wash the fish. It is now ready to cook and eat.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

First you cut the head with the gills off then you make a cut down the belly. Then you pull the guts out and wash out the cavidy with clean water. At this point you can cook the fish with the bones in it or you can remove some of the bones by pulling out the back bone but it is easier to remove the bones after cooking.

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Q: How do you gut a fish?
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o gut your fish and then i will tell you well g

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