You can measure how many pounds it takes to draw the bow by putting a scale on the string at the nock point.
An English longbow typically weighs between 2 to 3 pounds.
A total of 30 pounds are required on your compound bow for carp fishing from 10 to 15 feet or closer.
JD is Bow Wow's mentor... Like a father figure.
20 pounds
It is called the figurehead.
well i am 14 and weigh 125 pounds i shoot a 60 pound bear mauler, so a bow between 30 50 pounds is fine.
Bear Whitetail Compound Bow is adjustable in 5# incraments minimum is 45# maximum is 65#
The figure on the front of a ship is called a figurehead.
Simple, none because it says "IF NO"
Any kind of bow should kill a whitetail (I'm assuming whitetail) if it has a high enough velocity. I recommend 30 pounds at an absolute minimum. Preferably a minimum of 45 pounds.