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Q: How do you administer and officiate archery?
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What is a sentence using the word officiate?

My weding was fun and was the officiate for life

How do you officiate?

You must take an officiating course to learn how to officiate the sport.


In some states, anyone can officiate at a wedding, even a congressman. In other states, you must be a member of the clergy to officiate.

What is the noun of officiate?

Noun forms for the verb to officiate are officiator, officiation, and the gerund, officiating.

What is a sentence that uses the word officiate?

"Since her uncle was an ordained minister, she asked him to officiate at her wedding."

What sacraments can a priest perform?

Priests administer the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation (confession), the Holy Eucharist, and Anointing of the Sick. They officiate at Matrimony (although it is the couple themselves who actually administer the sacrament to each other). Holy Orders is reserved to bishops only, who are the normal ministers of Confirmation as well. However, priests can serve as the ministers of Confirmation with permission of the bishop.

What could be a sentence with the word officiate in it?

The referee was unable to officiate the game Friday night because he was drunk.

How would you put officiate in a sentence?

George promised to officiate at the meeting since he is familiar with the club and its guidelines.

What is the verb of official?


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Can Pope Francis officiate at a wedding?

Yes, he can officiate at a wedding. However, unless it is a very special occasion it is unlikely he would do so,

What does an official do in badminton?

officiate the game