If I understand you correctly, then you don't, as you pull back into full draw it will straighten out by itself. If not, then you could ask your coach or someone who would know how to fix it to replace it with a new one. Hope I helped! ;)
peep i guess
Savage 325c rear peep?
adjust rear sight up for distance
Try using a little BoPeep knot.
Try e-gunsparts.com
From what I understand, having researched this in detail today, is, you don't..... That is, the rear sight is dovetailed in to the barrel, and the front sight is screwed on . In order to sight in the rifle, you would need to use a small brass headed hammer and 'tap' the sight in order to adjust the point of aim. There are options for mounting a peep sigth, such as from Williams Gun Sight, which has the ability to adjust for elevation and windage quite easily. Alternatively, you could mount a scope. Apparently, some of the earlier models require having to drill and tap holes in the side of the receiver in order to mount the scope base.
Should be a Stevens rifle, but the peep sight would probably be aftermarket. If you can send a digital picture of the rifle and a closeup of the sight we can probably ID it for you. sales@countrygunsmith.net
the peep unscrews from the backer nut and slides right or left.
They had a Small round knurled peep sight