The crossbow was the first high tech invention of the ancient Chinese.
they killed people with it
Crossbow is not legal for most people, but is legal for people who have certain disabillites. So the answer is Crossbow
Crossbow, crossbow
the best crossbow to use is rune crossbow. or if u have done the chosen commander quest use the zaniks crossbow.
the difference between a 2117 crossbow bolt and a 2216 crossbow is 99
the crossbow is aawsome
No he does not use a crossbow.
Cocking a crossbow involves putting your foot on the stirrup and pulling the string until it goes into the cocked position. What many people do not realize, is that if the string is not cocked evenly, then the crossbow will not shoot as accurately as it should. Since most people have a dominant, stronger arm, it is easy to cock the crossbow a little bit off center. Because of this, it is best to use a crossbow cocking device, such as a string cocker. String cockers also reduce the amount of pull you have on the bow, making it easier to cock. There are also crank cockers which even further reduce the amount of pull and these are great options for people that may not be strong enough to cock their own crossbow.
Well that would be Jagex the people who made runescape.
rune crossbow is a good crossbow. and dark bow is the best longbow.
They might if people sugest it alot i have heard rumors tho...
I love Lauren.