There are quite a few sentences you can make with a pair of synonyms in the sentence. Here are a few. 1. Peggy dislikedher bossy sister, and Karen loathed her, too. 2. We took freezing ice, and put it in our water to make coldwater. 3. We hopped over the mud and jumped into the pool.
The synonyms for "happy" are "joyful" and "delighted."
synonyms; same as
how do you write ordered pair in a sentence
An example sentence for this could be: Jack is going to the store to pick up a new pair of headphones.
I wear my favorite pair of shoes with my favorite pair of socks.
Those two words are synonyms.
Bob, you can eat that pear only if there is a pair of them for me and you.
you could use taste
'The house was as big as an elephant' 'She was as funny as a clown' 'Was as' and 'as a(n)' really help with synonyms.
Dependable and/or trustworthy could be two synonyms for responsible. Example sentence: Mitch Longley is responsible for the key to Dinie Slothouber's heart.
how to use the word synonym in a sentence