

Best Answer

bubble gum is the answer. i like bubble gum so that's why i put it

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Q: How can you make my pinse lONGER?
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How can make my pinse longer?

tie a rope around the end when you have a boner and hook the other end up to a truck and have the truck driver hit the gas. you must have 20 feet of slack in the rope. or you can take a whole bottle of Viagra

Does kimchi make you live longer?

It does not make you live longer.

How can you make your arms longer?

You cannot make your arms longer but you can make them fit by working out in the gym.

How do you make jeans longer?

Sag them a bit that will be the best way to make you pants/jeans longer

When was Make Me Stay a Bit Longer created?

Make Me Stay a Bit Longer was created in 1968.

How do you make your arms and legs longer?

After you've finished growing you can't make them grow longer.

When was Legs to Make Us Longer created?

Legs to Make Us Longer was created in 2004.

What exercises can make your torso appear longer?

There is no specific exercise that can make your torso appear longer.

How do you make your dreams last longer?

sleep longer or try to stay asleep longer

Does mascara actually make my eyelashes longer?

Mascara doesn't actually make your eyelashes longer. It just gives the illusional effect that they are longer! x

Does vasaline make your eyelashes longer?

im not posotive but im pretty sure that it doesnt make them longer

Does playing with your Nintendo DS make you live longer?

No, playing on the Nintendo DS will not make you live longer.