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Q: How big is a crossbow?
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What is a triple bow crossbow?

It is a very big crossbow. I hope this helped you. ~Rachel~ *A video-game playing girl and proud of it*

Is crossbow stronger than arrow?

it depends on how big it is. but crossbows are often stronger

What crossbow in cabela's dangerous hunts 2011 for?

Crossbow, crossbow

What is a good crossbow?

the best crossbow to use is rune crossbow. or if u have done the chosen commander quest use the zaniks crossbow.

What is the difference between a 2117 crossbow bolt and a 2216 crossbow bolt?

the difference between a 2117 crossbow bolt and a 2216 crossbow is 99

Where in china was the crossbow invented?

the crossbow is aawsome

Does Altiar use a crossbow?

No he does not use a crossbow.

What is better a red dot or reticle scope for a crossbow?

rectile is way better enless the red dot is big

Do you need a license to own a crossbow in Manitoba?

MANITOBACrossbows may be used during muzzleloader deer seasons and big game rifle seasons. A hunter may not be in possession of a crossbow while hunting during archery or shotgun/muzzloader seasons. A person hunting big game shall not be in possession of a crossbow requiring less than 150-pounds draw weight or an arrow using a broadhead less than 7/8 of an inch in width. Under the authority of a Disabled Crossbow permit, a permanently disabled archer may use a crossbow during an archery

Magic shortbow or rune crossbow?

rune crossbow is a good crossbow. and dark bow is the best longbow.

How are crossbow today same from ancient crossbow?

I love Lauren.

What is the population of Crossbow Technology?

The population of Crossbow Technology is 2,011.