Crossman airsoft shotguns are only compatible with Crossman magazines.
If you have the original C02 bottle. Crosman warns you NOT to use it. see the link below for the owners manual from Crosman.
Crosman offers a service to locate repair shops that work on Crosman antiques. See the link below
draw for shotguns
You will have to go online and do a search for "Airgun repair " and locate someone who can repair it for you. ( OR ) This rifle is not that old and normally Crosman has parts for it but this model is not one of the rifles that Crosman has parts onhand, but they do offer a service to locate repair shops that work on Crosman rifles.See the link below
I suggest: JSB diabolo, Crosman premier, predator polymag see:
The capacity to do work is energy. The capacity to produce light is luminosity.
They use proprietairy shells, not common to other guns.
NO. Early shotguns have softer steel barrels, and are not rated for steel shot. It will damage the choke of the shotgun.
Force is the capacity to do work or cause physical change.The capacity to do work or cause physical change.
any bbs will work in any gun i prefer .20 gram crossman whites
Lets say its an M4. Any M4 mag will work. Lets say its a MK36. Any MK36 mag will work. If its designed for the gun, it will work.
If its a high capacity (Hi-Cap) magazine there should be a dial on the bottom. You have to spin that for it to work.