Yes, and it can fade fast. Make sure you take care of it!
From FFCW!: Actually, Gore-Tex itself is fairly impervious to UV rFradiation, (sun light), which is why it forms the roof of the new tennis stadium at Wimbleton. What may fade are any of the various materials laminated to the exterior of Gore-Tex to create an appealing garment fabric. The Gore-Tex film itself, (a white membrane rarely seen on the Garment), is extremely resistant to sun light and will last for decades if not centuries. When you buy a Garment having Gore-Tex as a component, pay particular attention to the "Usage and Care" documentation. Your Garment should last a life time.
most sports wear is made form goretex e.g cyclist outfits.
What you will want to get is either Goretex, or a brand that features breathability. Goretex clothing is a bit expensive, but will definitely dry quickly.
you rub your poo on it
Chicken nugget and cheese
It's made from a porous form of PTFE - a form of Teflon.
'Fade' can indeed be a noun - as in 'a fade to black' in a movie. Fade is its own noun.
The fact that Goretex has a recognisable name is proof that it is a patent granted techology
low fade
The prefix of "fade" is "un-".
He didn't "legally" have to change his name,he just stopped using the stage name "Goretex". He now is referred to as "Gore Elohim" or "Supercoven". Supercoven is the name of his record label as well,anyways,he'll always be Reverend Gore.