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No and no.

Specifically, arrows for bows are longer and more flexible as a slight flex can improve an arrow's flight, but crossbows would be too powerful and break the arrow.

Crossbow bolts/quarrels are far too short to be used correctly in a bow, as a real archer would never partially draw the bow to shoot an arrow, yet a bolt would not be long enough for the archer to draw back to his or her anchor point (that same place on their face they always draw back to, to make shots powerful and consistent).

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Q: Do bow and longbow arrows work with crossbows and do crossbow bolts work with bows and longbows?
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What is the difference on runescape cross bow or long bow?

Bolts from the crossbow can be stronger than a longbow but longbow's can shoot arrows from long range and crossbows are useful to kill people on PVP or to kill them on any knids of Mini - game.But in my opinion , crossbows was my idea to use for hitting harder.

Purpose of a medieval crossbow?

Longbows have greater range than ordinary bows, and are superioir to crossbows (that also have good range) because they can be used to fire arrows much more rapidly.

On RuneScape What arrow do you use for a crossbow?

Crossbows can only fire bolts, not regular arrows.

What is leather armor made to defend against?

Short arrows from crossbows. The English archers' longbows effectively ended the use of leather armor.

What is the bow and arrows effect on armor?

Usually armor protected people against arrows, but some stronger types of bows like crossbows and longbows could penetrate metal armor.

What is the disadvantage of a crossbow?

Crossbows were powerful and accurate but took a long time to re-load. A good archer could fire 6-8 arrows while a crossbow was re-loaded.

Why was the longbow used in the Hundred Years War?

The longbow was an English specialty weapon.. It could shoot more arrows in less time compared to the crossbow the French used. It was more accurate, easier to control and had a longer range.

How many feet per second does a longbow shoot?

A longbow can shoot arrows at speeds ranging from 150 to 180 feet per second, depending on factors such as the draw weight of the bow and the type of arrow used.

How did the crossbow impact the world?

Bows had been used for thousands of years by individuals and armies ( Egyptian tombs so the use of bows) so it was not a new form of warfare or means of hunting. __ The longbow had a tremendous impact on European history. It was a powerful weapon that helped England defeat numerically superior enemies. " The medieval English longbow had a draw-weight of 100-120 pounds and a practical range of around 250 yards. Because of the heavy draw-weight, the longbow fired arrows with great velocity. With its bodkin arrowhead, a longbow's arrow could penetrate chain mail and even some plate armor. Relatively few knights could afford the heavier plate armor that could withstand the longbow. A master archer could fire 20 arrows per minute. While yeomen honed their accuracy on targets, the longbow's true impact came through massed fire raining down on massed enemy formations."

Are crossbows more accurate then a bow and arrows?

No, a bow and arrow is held vertically and the arrow has to be pulled to shoot the arrow. A cross bow is held horizontally and doesn't need to be pulled, you just pull a trigger. The Crossbow has more power but a Bow and Arrow can reload faster. Just pick the one that suits you the most.

What did a longbow do?

It shot arrows longer distances than shortbows.

Describe three or more different types of arrows?

Materials: Wooden, Aluminium, Carbon, Plastic, Fibre Glass Types: Competition arrows, hunting arrows, signalling arrows, all can be made from above but have different arrow heads or points.