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yes you can you can do it

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Q: Could i Run 5 miles over rough terrain?
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How do you use the word terrain in sentence?

i had to cross rough terrain to go to my ranch in mexico.

What is a sentence with the word terrain in it?

The rocky terrain made it difficult for the hikers to reach the summit.

How fast could the Conestoga wagon travel?

A Conestoga wagon typically traveled at a speed of about 2 to 3 miles per hour when pulled by a team of horses over rough terrain or unpaved roads. On smoother paths or improved roads, they could potentially reach speeds of up to 5 miles per hour.

What is a sentence with terrain?

The hikers navigated the rugged terrain, making their way through steep mountains and dense forests.

What is all terrain vehicle?

An all terrain vehicle is one that can adequately run off roads, over rough and rocky country .

How did the Incas move over the Andes mountain range?

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What is motor cross?

A particular form of Motorcycle Racing, characterised by racing over a route of rough terrain and taking advantage of natural hazards such as streams and hills.

What advantages do helicopters have over trucks or tanks or being on foot?

It is much faster and can get in and out of rough terrain that trucks cannot access.

What are the advantages of a hovercraft?

The Advantages are that Hovercraft can fly, or more suitably, hover over water and land, can go over rough terrain and does not pollute as much as cars.

My 17 year old son was the last to drive my 2000 Expedition and Id like to know How difficult is it for the heat shield over the catalytic converter to be knocked off?

Going over rough terrain, like over rocks on a dirt road, could cause this to be knocked loose.

Can you ride a 4 wheeler at anytime throughout your pregnancy?

I would suggest you don't ride over rough terrain after about 20 weeks. Dangerous things anyway.

Gen. Custer turned down what weapon before the battle of bighorn?

He had two or three gatling guns he could have used; but they were heavy and slow moving over the rough terrain so he left them behind. most experts agreee if he had had them at the battle he probably would have won.