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Q: Can your knees touch the ground before scoring a try?
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Is scoring out of order in baseball OK?

No. You can't even touch a base out of order. If you pass a runner (and touch the next base before he does) you are out.

Does ball have to touch the ground in onsides kick?

In an on-sides kick the football does not have to touch the ground. The football must travel at least 10 yards before the kicking team can legally touch the football.

Sign and symptoms of Genu valgum?

If your knees go inward. Your knees will touch but your ankles wont

Do ducks have to touch ground before returning to flight?

no they just take off

What does knees knocking mean?

"knock-knees" - a condition where the knees angle in and touch one another when the legs are straightened.Also called "Genu valgum"

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Why do mulslims carry prayer mats?

Because according to the five pillars of Islam, the have to pray 5 times a day facing Mecca. They pray on their knees and touch the ground by their head as well.

What are the release dates for In Touch with Charles Stanley - 1990 Fight Your Battles on Your Knees?

In Touch with Charles Stanley - 1990 Fight Your Battles on Your Knees was released on: USA: 24 January 2010

How many fouls can a batter get?

As long as none of the foul balls are caught before they touch the ground, there is no limit.

Does a tub have to touch the ground?

No, a tub does not have to touch the ground. It can be installed on feet or a base that elevates it off the ground.

What songs contain the lyrics touch your knees?

third engine saves the day

What does the term knock-knee mean?

"knock-knees" - a condition where the knees angle in and touch one another when the legs are straightened.Also called "Genu valgum"