The word "feign" is usually used to describe faking or pretending an action.e.g., "Some animals feign death to avoid predators."
The student feigned sickness in order to get out of taking a test."
Feign is a verb that means to pretend, simulate, affect, or fake. Example sentence: I can feign a headache if you want to leave the party early.
I will feign interest in the meeting to avoid hurting anyone's feelings.
In Spanish, a form of the word "disimular" - feign, dissemble.In Spanish, a form of the word "disimular" - feign, dissemble.In Spanish, a form of the word "disimular" - feign, dissemble.In Spanish, a form of the word "disimular" - feign, dissemble.
Another word you can use to replace feign is fake.Pretend; invent; imagine;deceive
"A typical ploy is to feign illness, procure medicine, then sell it on the black market" (Jill Smolowe).
He feigned ignorance. Meaning, he pretended not to know.
yes you can; Can you write a sentence with the word any in it?
Yes, you can write a sentence with the word right. For example: I like to write about super heroes.
I can write a sentence using the word scorn!
She knew about her surprise birthday party but didn't want to hurt her friend's feelings so she feigned surprise