Depends on the skill of the shooter,the type of 22 rifle used and the type of ammo used in the rifle.
Generally a standard sub sonic 22LR 40gr SP round fired from a Rugger 10/22 rifle has an effective kill range of 50-75 yards.
A hyper sonic 22LR 40gr SP round fired from a ruger 10/22 has an effective kill range of 80-100 yards however at 100 yards the round drops upto 4 inches from the point of aim..
This however changes depending on the type of rifle used such as using a 22 magnum rifle which uses a longer cartrige and a higher powder charge.
The 22 magnum high velocity 40gr SP round fired from a Winchester 22 magnum rifle has an effective kill range of 120 -150 yards with a drop of 5-6 inches from point of aim.
Since the 22 is a rather small caliber to use on coyotes a head shot or heart shot would be more effective if shooting at ranges over 75 yards since coyotes can run almost a mile when a lung shot is made.
Depends on what firearm has a 22 inch barrel. If it is a .22 LR, it can shoot about a mile and a half- or 100 yards accurately. If it is a 30-06, it can shoot about 5 miles, or 500 yards accurately.
About 150 yards.
Depends on the Caliber and grain of bullet. You can shoot a .22 m4 accurately probably 100-150 yards. Then with the 5.56/.223 round can be shot 600-659 yards accurately.
Depends on the rifle. Accurately? About 50 yards max.
Have fast can a car go? Depends on the car- and your question depends on the rifle. A .22 rimfire can shoot ACCURATELY about 150 yards, or about a mile maximum (no accuracy) A .50 Barret can shoot accurately over 2000 yards, or maximum of about 5 miles.
From a rifle, about 1.5 miles- but they can shoot ACCURATELY about 100-150 yards.
Accurately? About 100-150 yards. How far can the bullet travel? About 1.5 miles.
Longest distance I have seen shot with a .22 in competition is 200 yards. I was using a Winchester model 52B at the time.
in the hands of a skilled shooter a 22-250 will hit a deer 350 yards, no problem, but its all user dependant.
Depends on the rifle. A .22 is accurate to about 100 yards, can fire a bullet about 1.5 miles. A .338 Lapua is accurate to about 1500 yards, and can fire a bullet ABOUT 5 miles.
22 Yards are equivalent to how many meters?