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Q: Can you own a bow or muzzleloader with a domestic violence?
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Can you own a gun if you have a misdeameanor?

Depends on the misdemeanor. Domestic violence or drugs- no.

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Can I own a fire arm in Tennessee with a domestic violence charge on your police record?

No. A conviction of a crime of domestic violence prevents you from owning or possessing a firearm.

Can you own a gun if you have a misdemeanor?

yes unless it is for domestic violence

In Colorado can you own a gun if you have a defer sentence to a domestic violence charge?


Can a person with a domestice violence or a felony own a compound bow and hunt?

depends on state

Defention about domestic violence?

Domestic Violence is any sort of violence caused to one's partner in a matrimonial relationship or live in relationship or any form of domestic relationship. Domestic violence can be any sort of mental or physical torture. Domestic violence causes a great trauma to victim as the victim feels unsafe in his own house. If one needs more details they can approach to siddhartha shah and associates on 093222 86663.

Can you own a gun if you were convicted of domestic violence in pa?

You will need to consult with a lawyer.

Does dismissal with prejudice in a domestic violence case mean you can own firearms again?


Can you own a gun if you have a misdemeanor in domestic violence in Texas?

You need to consult with a lawyer.

Can you own a firearm with a class a misdemeanor on your record?

depends on the misdemeanor. For a crime of domestic violence, no.