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Q: Can you make a fire ball with your bare hands?
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With imagination

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With her bare hands, covered in blood.

How do you make fire with hands?

Use vfx it works

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No can not with bare hands only with gloves (make sure you don't touch it with skin or it will burn

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a raccoon will go into its habitat and eather trash it or make a den with its bare hands

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she used her love and made ares make helen with his bare hands with her spell

In Pokemon fire red how do you make a poke-ball a master ball?

You can't do that unless you have emerald. then you can clone the master ball.

How do you make fire shoot out of your hands?

There is no safe or practical way to make fire shoot out of your hands. Attempting to do so can be dangerous and may result in injury. It's best to leave fire manipulation to professionals who use special effects or pyrotechnics in controlled environments.

How can you prevent getting sick on the city bus?

Well, you just need to make sure that you wash your hands for at least a minute every chance you get, also, avoid touching the poles with your bare hands.

How would you catch and receive a ball in same direction?

To catch and receive a ball in the same direction, extend your arms out and position your hands in front of you to create a basket shape. Keep your eyes on the ball, focus on its trajectory, and move your body to meet the ball at the right moment. As the ball comes towards you, use your hands to secure the ball into your chest or hands to make a successful catch. Remember to cushion the ball upon impact to absorb the force.

What do you do when there is a ground ball in lacrosse?

Get low to the ball and scoop through it with two hands on your stick, make sure you are low and stable so you can scoop and keep running.

How to get fire powers now?

first do this spell when its really hot make my hands warm and sunny start with fire so it doesnt go funny