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Q: Can the bolt be longer than the crossbow?
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What is the difference between a 2117 crossbow bolt and a 2216 crossbow bolt?

the difference between a 2117 crossbow bolt and a 2216 crossbow is 99

What is fired from a crossbow?

A arrow/bolt that is made to fit the crossbow.

How do you safely uncock a crossbow?

To safely uncock a crossbow, point the loaded crossbow at the ground (soil is safer that concrete). Remove the bolt. Firing the unloaded crossbow is probably the easiest method to uncock as the pressure could be quite powerful.

What does a crossbow do?

A crossbow fires ammunition called bolts or quarrels using a stock and a holding mechanism that when released, fires the bolt.

Do you cock a crossbow while on safety or while on fire?

Cock a crossbow while on safety. That way you won't accidentally release it while placing the bolt.

Is crossbow a bow or firearm or separated from these?

It's both. A crossbow is a modified version of the simple bow. It is also classified as a firearm because it fires a projectile (the arrow or bolt).

How Richard King die?

He was shot by a crossbow bolt laying siege to a castle in France in 1199.

What is shot from a thin bow?

A crossbow arrow is called a Bolt or a Quarrelx

What is a crossbow arrow called other than a bolt?

A quarrel or bolt is the term for the ammunition used in a crossbow. The name "quarrel" is derived from the French carré, "square", referring to the fact that they typically have square heads. They are typically shorter than traditional arrows, though some may be longer, and can be fired repetitively in some cases. Bolts and arrows have different flight characteristics. Bolts fall at the same rate, independent of the speed of flight. Arrows, in contrast, depend on gaining lift in flight, and hence have their centre of balance at a point about 9% of their length forward of their center. This is called "point planing".

Is there a patent on the crossbow?

The crossbow itself predates the patent system by thousands of years, but there are more than 3,100 patents on crossbow designs and improvements.

Is there a specific term for an archer who uses a crossbow rather than a longbow?

Yes: arbalestier - from arbalest (crossbow).

What is another name for an arrow fired from a cross bow?

a BOLT is SHOT from a crossbow, you FIRE a GUN, you SHOOT a bow