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A spiral will go farther then wibley.

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Q: Can a wibley pass can go farther than a spiral?
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A spiral travels farther because it doesn't have an unbalanced weight.

Will a spiralling motion football or a wobilling motion football go farther?

A spiralling motion football will typically travel farther than a wobbling motion football. The spiral helps stabilize the ball's flight, minimizing air resistance and allowing for greater distance and accuracy in the throw.

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if you throw a spiral, it means you are more coordinated. it also means it will go farther and is more stable. people can also catch it s lot easier.

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a spiraled ball goes farther becuase its spiraled motion flows through the air and a wobbly pass does not.

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Why does throwing a football in a spiral make the football go farther then making it wobble or go end over end?

A spiraling football will go further than a wobbling. The spiral movement will go further due to air. The spiral uses the air to move smoothly through as a wobbling football is all over the place so its actually using the air to slow down instead of moving smoothly.

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