It surely can, but it will depend on the shot. In my country (Hungary), however, it is illegal to hunt with any bow, compound or reflex, with a draw weight below 50 lbs.
you shouldn't be trying to kill a deer!
100 bucks ready to hunt, 15 years old, quality is good enough to kill deer with.
It is best to use a compound bow when hunting big game animals like deer or turkey, because of the speed and power of the compound bow. You will get a much faster and cleaner shot.
Yes, a compound bow can be used to kill a hog if the shooter is skilled and the shot placement is accurate. It is important to use an arrow with a broadhead designed for hunting to ensure a quick and ethical kill.
With bow and arrows to kill deer and buffalo ( etc) but the mostly fished .
Spears, bow and arrows.
PSE Nova compound bow is high on the list of most deer hunters. The most important thing is to determine the draw and weight you need for your size and strength.
You can use a compound bow.
There technically is not a required weight, however it is recommended that to have a compound bow set to at least 30-35lbs. It all depends on the placement of the arrow in the deer or animal. If you place an arrow in the lungs or heart of a deer, shooting it with a draw weight of 35lbs, it will most likely kill the deer.
Yes. Common sense dictates that humans should kill deer by bow and arrow, lance or rifle, and not be stupid enough to go after it with nothing or just a hunting knife.