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Q: Can a 20 lb pull back on a bow and arrow kill a turkey?
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Is the string on a bow supposed to be loose?

you want a bow string to be loose enough that you are able to pull it back enough to shoot the arrow but you don't want it so loose that when you pull back the arrow the arrow is too short. you also don't want your string so tight that you aren't able to pull it back far enough.

How do you use a compound bow?

you pull the arrow back and let it fly _____________________________________________ It help to now how a compound bow works. it works by a pully system ok. so the string will pull back the limbs of the bow. and you can pull it back by a release your your fingers. well then you just release the string and let the arrow fly. but make sure you have an arrow on the strin or you limbs will shader.

What are cams for on a bow?

They are what turn on a compound bow when you pull it back. They make it eaiser to pull and makes the arrow fly farther.

How do you use a crossbow?

to use a crossbow you need to noch the arrow in the string then pull back or wind up the string.

How do you use a bow and arrow?

it's actually very simple and easy to use a bow and arrow all you have to do is put the end of the arrow on the string (the arrow will have a little slit where you can put the string in) you aim at your target and pull the string straight back and you will get a perfect shot :)

How do you shoot a recurve bow?

1st put the arrow on the holder then click the end on the string then with whatever hand u use hold the bow back then with the other hand pull back the string with2 fingers 1 on each side of the end of the arrow then u pull the string back to your cheack aim and let go of the string

How do you beat the darts in Nessie Poptropica?

you put your arrow were ever and you pull the dart back until the counter and release it is so easy!

Which arm do you release the arrow with in archery?

You hold the bow with the hand you write with usually so you would pull back with the opposite hand.

How do you play a pull shot in Cricket 2007?

For a right handed batsman press W + Right Arrow key to play a pull shot.For a lofted pull Shift+ w+ right arrow

What would the man need to do to give the arrow more potential energy?

The man would need to physically pull the arrow back further in the bowstring, increasing the distance the arrow can travel when released. This action requires the man to apply more force, doing work on the arrow, thus increasing its potential energy.

What is the difference between a compound bow and a recurved bow?

Compounds have cams at the end of the bow which make it easier to pull back and pushes the arrow farther.

What are the 9 steps of a good shooting method in archery?

put arrow on string pull string back shoot bow do ten times you nigher