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Q: Can I use spirits of salt to cleanup solder joints?
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Can salt dissolve in methylated spirit?

No. I recently did an experiment where we had to put salt in methylated spirits and it didn't dissolve. Most things can't dissolve in methylated spirits.

Does salt keep spirits away from you?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that salt keeps spirits away from you. Belief in salt as a protective measure against spirits is rooted in folklore and superstition. It is best to rely on facts and personal beliefs when it comes to matters like these.

Can spirits of salt clean copper?

Yes, spirits of salt, also known as hydrochloric acid, can be used to clean copper. It can help remove tarnish and oxidation from the copper surface. However, it is important to handle it with care and follow safety precautions due to its corrosive nature.

What does salt at your doorway do?

In the Romanian old tradition salt on the doorway is against charms, witchcrafts and evil spirits.

Why do spanish people put on graves to bribe evil spirits away?


What can you do to keep the evil spirits from going near a newborn baby?

sprinkle salt near the crib.

Why do sumo wrestlers chuck salt on the ground?

To ward away evil spirits. They believe that by chucking in salt and joining the fray they are protecting the wrestlers from injury.

Is salt in whiskey?

There is no salt in liquor. However, certain distillers will add salt in their lower-quality spirits to avoid liquor taxes.

What can you do to keep bad spirits from entering your home?

place sea salt in the borders/ lines of all windows and doors

Why do you give salt wine and bread for a new home?

to bring them good luck, and to ward off evil spirits

Why do some people throw spilt salt over their shoulders?

The superstition of throwing spilt salt over the shoulder is believed to ward off bad luck. It is thought to have originated from the idea that salt was a precious commodity and wasting it could anger evil spirits that might be nearby. By throwing salt over the left shoulder, one is believed to blind the evil spirits waiting there.

Who is Martha Rendell?

She was the last woman hanged in Western Australia (October 1909). She was convicted of murdering her step-children with spirits of salt.