

Best shape for a kite

Updated: 9/27/2023
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9y ago

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A flying kite can be made of almost any shape. Some kite shapes are best suited for strong winds, some other for light winds. Some kites have complicated shapes that require a much longer time to build.
If you consider the best shape to be the one which offers the best flying performances in the widest wind range yet remaining quite simple and easy to construct, then the lozenge kite, the flat hegagonal or rectangular kite (all of them requiring tails), the rokkaku (bowed hexagonal kite, tail-less), the sled kite are the best.
For light winds, the delta kite, triangle shaped, is the most suitable.

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15y ago

There are so many different kites its hard to say!

My favorite trick kites are the Benson Inner space and Outer space. They fly wwonderfuly and are made in lovley colours.

My favorite power kite is a Flexifoil 4.9 Blade its good for flying or buggying

Any my favorite display kite is a Rolf Zimmerman Seahorse or even better a train of them. They are quite geometric and look unreal against a blue sky.

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9y ago

The classic kite shape is a rhombus. However, there are other factors that are just as important as shape. Environmental conditions and how the flight is anchored will influence how well it flies.

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