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mga grade 6 peridot sobrang hirap noh

,Arianne Gonzales

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Alaina Katelyn

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Q: Arrows that direct the windows frame?
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Why only four windows in the windows logo?

becoz of 4 arrows

why were Pompeii street arrows in the shape of penis?

To direct men to the nearest brothel

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What versions of windows follow a direct upgrade path to windows xp professional?

Windows ME and NT 4.0 SP6

What glue do you use to burglar proof windows?

If you intend to secure your windows, screwing the frame is better than glue.

What is java frame?

It is basically a windows, that contains other visual objects.

How do you get through the team rocket warehouse in Pokemon Leafgreen?

Use the arrows to direct you to the northern area of the warehouse.

What is used on some highways to direct drivers into the proper lanes for turning?

White arrows in the middle of the lanes.

Is a thermal break important when installing aluminum windows over metal?

All windows are made with a thermal break inside the frame.

What type of curtains are best for bay windows?

Blinds look much better in bay windows as they can be mounted inside the window frame.

How was the Transamerica Pyramid built?

Just like any skyscaper they put in a foundation and then a frame. Once the frame is set they add the flooring, walls and windows.

How do you rotate a monitor display on Windows Vista?

Try pushing ctrl+alt+up. If this doesn't work try the other arrows.