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it would be better to be an athenian because in athens they were more civilized and had democracy and dint go to war as much as the spartans did most of our culture today is based on the ancient athenians.

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Q: Would it be better to be an ancient spatan or ancient athenian?
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Definitely ancient Rome would win in a battle against ancient Egypt. The Roman armies were better equipped and better trained and had the grit to keep pounding the ememy. The Egyptian armies, especially those when Rome's armies were at its strongest, were mostly mercenaries hired by the Ptolemies.Definitely ancient Rome would win in a battle against ancient Egypt. The Roman armies were better equipped and better trained and had the grit to keep pounding the ememy. The Egyptian armies, especially those when Rome's armies were at its strongest, were mostly mercenaries hired by the Ptolemies.Definitely ancient Rome would win in a battle against ancient Egypt. The Roman armies were better equipped and better trained and had the grit to keep pounding the ememy. The Egyptian armies, especially those when Rome's armies were at its strongest, were mostly mercenaries hired by the Ptolemies.Definitely ancient Rome would win in a battle against ancient Egypt. The Roman armies were better equipped and better trained and had the grit to keep pounding the ememy. The Egyptian armies, especially those when Rome's armies were at its strongest, were mostly mercenaries hired by the Ptolemies.Definitely ancient Rome would win in a battle against ancient Egypt. The Roman armies were better equipped and better trained and had the grit to keep pounding the ememy. The Egyptian armies, especially those when Rome's armies were at its strongest, were mostly mercenaries hired by the Ptolemies.Definitely ancient Rome would win in a battle against ancient Egypt. The Roman armies were better equipped and better trained and had the grit to keep pounding the ememy. The Egyptian armies, especially those when Rome's armies were at its strongest, were mostly mercenaries hired by the Ptolemies.Definitely ancient Rome would win in a battle against ancient Egypt. The Roman armies were better equipped and better trained and had the grit to keep pounding the ememy. The Egyptian armies, especially those when Rome's armies were at its strongest, were mostly mercenaries hired by the Ptolemies.Definitely ancient Rome would win in a battle against ancient Egypt. The Roman armies were better equipped and better trained and had the grit to keep pounding the ememy. The Egyptian armies, especially those when Rome's armies were at its strongest, were mostly mercenaries hired by the Ptolemies.Definitely ancient Rome would win in a battle against ancient Egypt. The Roman armies were better equipped and better trained and had the grit to keep pounding the ememy. The Egyptian armies, especially those when Rome's armies were at its strongest, were mostly mercenaries hired by the Ptolemies.

What aspects of athenian democracy would not work in our democracy?

Athenian Democracy had the council of five hundred and American Democracy has a government.

What were the most signifcant elements of ancient athenian democracy?

Some of the democratic principles in ancient Athens, mirrored what we would expect of democracy today, but there were some traits that were different. One example of a different principle is that women were still not seen as equals unless there were believed to be descendants of gods.

What is a famous building in Ancient Greece?

Today we would sat the Parthenon at Athens. To the ancient Greeks it might be the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World), or many others. All in the eye of the beholder, and people from different cities would tend to support their own temple as famous.

Describe how young athenian boys were educated?

Young Athenian boys were educated in a variety of subjects, with a focus on physical education, music, and literature. They learned to read and write, studied poetry and drama, and were trained in athletic activities like wrestling and running. This education aimed to develop their physical endurance, intellectual abilities, and moral character, preparing them to become responsible citizens in Athenian society.

Who was responsible for the growth of Athenian power?

It was the Athenian leader Pericles (461-429B.C.) who was responsible for the Athens growth in power. It would be an error to not mention Thermistocles.

What would an Athenian lady take with her on holiday?

every thing you would take on holiday

Would ancient Israel or ancient Egypt be a better place to live in?

Answer 1Ancient Egypt was a Superpower, something like the USA today. Of course small Israel could not be compared to Ancient Egypt.Answer 2It honestly depends more on personal taste and the exact time-period than the political and social differences between Ancient Egypt and Israel. It would probably be better to be a wealthy Egyptian than a wealthy Israelite, but it would probably be better to be a poor Israelite than a poor Egyptian. In antiquity, most people were poor.