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Q: Why weren't women allowed to drive?
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When were women in Greece allowed to vote?

They Werent

Why werent women allowed to perform in greek plays?

No.... not back in the Greek days

In what year were women allowed to drive?

Women were allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia in the year 2018.

Why did fashion change in the 20Th century especially for women?

fashion changed because thewy werent allowed tto wear clothes fashion changed because thewy werent allowed tto wear clothes

When were women first allowed to drive in the United States?

Women were first allowed to drive in the United States in 1919.

Are women allowed to drive in Yemen?

No. Women in the Middle East cannot drive cars.

What are two things that women in Saudi Arabia aren't allowed to do?

Saudi women are not allowed to drive cars but they are allowed to drive aeroplanes as they are chauffeured to the air port .2. Saudi women are not allowed to go out without an abaya .

Are Afghan women allowed to drive?

Yes, women are allowed to drive in Afghanistan. However, most don't as cars are rather expensive and only the wealthy drive in Afghanistan.

When could a woman open a bank account?

anytime you want. this isn't the back in the day when women werent allowed to read or have an opinion

Were women allowed to drive in the 1920's?


Who were allowed to be actors in greek theatre?

only men, as the women werent allowed to be on the stage, a tradition which continued into Shakespeare's time with female parts being played by males with unbroken voices

Why couldn't women fly a plane during World War 1?

a woman was not allowed to fly a plane back then because at the time, women did not have very many rights, and werent allowed to have any rights. women didnt get their rights until the Civil Rights Movement.