Woman were forbiden to participate in the ancient Olympics as It was believed that the Roman gods though more highly of the male sex, It was though man was stronger. As they didn't want to offend their gods and because the Olympics was also a mainly religious feat woman weren't even allowed to veiw the games. Instead a sperate festival was held in honor of Zeus's wife Hera, where woman could have their own games.
It was a Greek festival, not Roman.
The original Olympics (like some other Greek games) were a religious observance in which the participants made an offering to Zeus of a military virtue called agon. Women weren't warriors, so they didn't have agon.
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Ladies were not allowed to participate or watch in the olympic games because man were nude, ladies were not allowed to confront men, it was too violating for women and they were not allowed in the city they competed in, because it was Zeus ( God of Gods) city and women were forbidden to enter as it was only for males to worship.
Extra Information:
Ladies always had their own festival the Herae games which were in honour of their goddess of heaven and marriage, Hera. They were held every four years. The winners would always receive a olive wreath crown and a cow to scarifice with Hera. Also Hera selected a man worthy of her Heroine to get married to.
The women were banned because too many people think the woman lets the team down and don't do much for the contryWomen were banned from viewing (and of course from participating in) the ancient Olympics because the men were naked, in order to prevent cheating. For a woman to have seen a naked man would have meant that she would be condemmed to death.
Just because
The answer above me by some person who doesn't know the answer is wrong.
Greek: women were not allowed because men competed naked and because the events were techniques used in war if it were ever to bestow upon them.
Modern(before 1900): women were considered inferior and they were supposed to stay at home and do all the housework.
Women weren't allowed to compete in the olympic games because Olympia was dedicated to Zeus. Women weren't citizens and only citizens could attend.
because they should know how to spell "allowed" first before being allowed to play in the games..