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Q: Why is the Olympic torch different each time?
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Who ran with the olympic torch from New Zealand?

Three time Olympic medalist Barbara Kendall carried the torch for New Zealand.

What is the time line of the Olympic torch?

72 days

When was the olympic torch lit for the first time?

it was it in1928

When is the Olympic torch coming to the Falkirk wheel?

They time the running of the torch from Greece to the Olympic venues so that the torch is carried into the main stadium at the end of the opening ceremonies and the big flame in the stadium is lit by the torch.

List of countries the 2008 olympic torch will travel through?

You can find a map of the countries that the 2008 Olympic Torch will travel through at

What happens to the Olympic torch in the night time?

they carry on in the night.

What time is the Olympic torch going through Glasgow?

6:30 pm

How does the Olympic torch get from community to community?

The winner was Alfred Hajos of Hungary in a time of 1:22.2.

What is the meaning of the Olympics' flaming torch?

Since the first Olympic games celebrated in the modern time, the Olympic Torch has become symbol of the peace between the continents. This question is more fully answered by looking in the link I will place below.

What happens to the Olympic Torch during the off years?

I assume you mean the olympic flame. The flame burns constantly at Olympia in Greece, when its time for the games a torch is lit, sent on a relay and the individual flame in the host nation is lit, and then extinguished

Did the Ancient Greeks do the torch relay in the Olympic games?

The ancient Greeks were not the first people to do the torch relay. The torch relays origin dates back to the 1930's and was started by Germany (Nazi Germany, at the time)

What happens to theOlympic Torch during the off years?

I assume you mean the olympic flame. The flame burns constantly at Olympia in Greece, when its time for the games a torch is lit, sent on a relay and the individual flame in the host nation is lit, and then extinguished