

Why is salah made obligatory?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Why is salah made obligatory?
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fasting is obligatory at the month of Ramadan only other days the fasting is optional , fasting is obligatory for adult Muslim , but if there is satisfactory condition it will not be obligatory and if you have to travel and it make you tired so it will not be obligatory

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After isra' and miqraj

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Khoshoo in Salah is to concentrate in your Salah and feel every thing you say in your salah

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It is salah al Asr at Friday because it is between friday salah "non secret salah " and between Maghreb salah " .

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The population of In Salah is 43,680.

Why do Muslim do salah?

e make salah

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Muslims can worship inside Mosques in form of Salah, Reciting Koran, Dhikr or any other way they want to worship Allah. In addition to obligatory five prayers a day they can also say additional prayers.

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Salah Nazmi's birth name is Salah Eddine Ahmed Nazmi.