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I wear it too. It helps relieve pain and prevent further injury. It can also provide support and help prevent injury in certain joints.

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Q: Why is Kinesio tape used by olympic swimmers?
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What are the tape strips on the backs of female divers?

Many divers wear Kinesio Tape on their backs. Kinesio Tape is used to help manage pain for a variety of bone, muscle, and joint issues.

Why did Chinese swimmers put duct tape on the speedo logo?

Those tape are called Kynesio Tape or KT. Please read this from the Daily Mail : "German beach volleyball player Ilka Semmler wears it on her buttocks - in pink. Swedish handball player Johanna Wiberg prefers it in blue from her knee to her groin. British sprinter Dwain Chambers has even worn it with a Union Jack design. Athletic tape made in every colour under the sun seems to be the latest must-have sports injury treatment at London 2012. Called Kinesio tape and developed by a Japanese doctor more than 30 years ago, the adhesive strapping is designed to provide muscle and joint support without restricting movement. According to Kinesio's product website, it is also designed to be used with a particular taping technique - a skill practitioners need to learn on a special training course." See Related Links for related articles about the use of Kinesio tape.

Why is there red tape on the Chinese divers back?

This is a special tape like Kinesio tape which is used by many sportsmen and women throughout the world. It comes in many colours and has special properties which, when administered correctly in the correct areas can stimulate blood flow and healing agents to help the athletes perform even with minor muscular injuries.

What is the strips of material on the Chinese divers back?

These divers, as well as divers from many other countries, are wearing Kinesio Tape, which is used to help manage pain for a variety of bone, muscle, and joint issues.

What is the little pool used for in olympic diving?

To keep the swimmers warm. The large pool is cold

What are the red tattoos on chinese olympic divers?

It is tape. Used for protection and strength.

What is kinesio tape?

Kinesio(TM) Tape was not developed in the 80s by Japanese chiropractor Kenzo Kase (Pronounced "Kas-ay"). Komp, filed for a patent March 8, 1965 (Patent No. 3,523,859) and was issued on August 11, 1970, long before Kase's (Patent No. 5,861,348) claims as were several others at the time. Kase's patent application, 348 was filed on September 19, 1996 and had to be amended several times as there was already several patents in place by various other people. Komp issued on August 11, 1970, Mazza issued on March 14, 1995 and Dabroski published on November 11, 1981. The tape and the technique are rather distinct from traditional athletic taping procedures and materials. Athletic taping is typically done with a non-elastic tape which will be wrapped around joints to stabilize them and restrict motion. Kinesio(TM) taping has a much broader range of applicaitons. The tape is 140% the elasticity of human skin. By skillfully applying the tape to specific structures with a particular amount of stretch on the tape different effects can be achieved. Some of these effects include: muscle inhibition, muscle facilitation, increased circulation, increased lymphatic drainage (to reduce swelling), pain relief, functional correction, and increased range of motion. The effect that there is the most evidence to support is lymphatic drainage. Kinesio(TM) Taping techniques can be used to encourage the reduction of swelling, edema, and bruising. There is also evidence to indicate that it can improve the proprioception in some joints possibly reducing the likelihood of an injury such as an ankle sprain. Beyond sporting applications Kinesio(TM) taping is used to treat discomfort associated with pregnancy, infant colic and digestive disorders, and TMJ disorders to name a few conditions. Although there is a certification for Kinesio(TM) taping, the application of the tape may be done without certification.

What is the verb for training?

Training is already a verb because it can be used as an action.Other verbs are train, trains and trained."I will train for the marathon"."She trains Olympic swimmers"."They are training for active service"."We have been trained for this".

A type of tape often used when painting?

Painters tape

What is boxing tape?

tape that is used to close boxes

How can duct tape be used as electrical tape in a pinch?

Duct tape can be used as electrical tape in a pinch by wrapping it around exposed wires to insulate and protect them from contact. However, it is not as effective as proper electrical tape and should only be used as a temporary solution.

What is the definition of tape drive?

A tape drive was an old form of mass storage used in computers. It used a cartridge similar to an audio tape, except the tape was in a continuous loop.