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Q: Why does the shadow get bigger as the torch moves closer and smaller as the torch moves away?
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Do shadows get smaller or bigger?

Shadows get smaller as the light source moves closer to the object casting the shadow, and they get larger as the light source moves farther away. The size of a shadow is influenced by the distance between the object and the light source.

What happens to the shadow when the object moves closer to the light source?

When the object moves closer to the light source, the shadow becomes smaller and more defined. This is because there is less distance for the light to travel between the object and the surface where the shadow is cast. As a result, the shadow appears sharper and its size decreases.

When an object moves closer to the light source its shadow gets smaller or larger?

When an object moves closer to a light source, its shadow generally gets larger. This is because the object is blocking more of the light that would otherwise reach the surface where the shadow is being cast. As the object gets closer, it appears larger in relation to the surface, resulting in a larger shadow.

If the bat moves nearer to the garage wall what will happen to the size of its shadow?

the shadow get bigger.

What happens to the shadow as this light source moves?

As you move farther away your shadow get bigger and goes away

Does the size of an object appear to change as the observer moves closer to or farther away from the object?

Yes, the size of an object can appear to change as the observer moves closer to or farther away from the object due to perspective. When an observer moves closer to an object, it may appear larger, and when moving farther away, it may appear smaller.

What makes the shadow gets smaller?

The shadow gets smaller when the object blocking the light source moves further away from the surface on which the shadow is cast. This increase in distance causes the angle between the light rays and the surface to decrease, resulting in a smaller shadow being cast.

What will happen to the size of the shadow if the object moves away from a tilted source of light?

If the object moves away from a tilted source of light, the size of the shadow will decrease. This is because as the object moves away from the light source, the angle at which the light hits the object decreases, resulting in a smaller shadow being cast.

What is the relationship between the size of the shadow and the distance of the object from the light source?

The relationship between the size of a shadow of an object and the distance of light source from the object is indirectly proportional. A short distance will make the shadow big while making the distance long will reduce the size of the shadow.

What makes a shadow?

either the light source moves, or the object casting the shadow moves, or the surface that the shadow is projected against moves.

What makes a shadow move?

either the light source moves, or the object casting the shadow moves, or the surface that the shadow is projected against moves.

What is the best shadow Pokemon moves?

The best shadow moves are: shadow end(120/100), shadow storm(95/100), shadow rush (90/100) and shadow blast(80/100). All the other shadow moves are under 75/100.