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Aside from staying in a routine if you watch some of the female divers, they leave the diving pool covering their breasts to prevent showing their nipples which harden in the diving pool. They will recheck their look after warming themselves in the hot tub.-

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12y ago

to keep their muscles warm and loose. This is also why gymnasts put on warm-ups, or pants and jackets, after each event. Some divers believe that if they go into the water while wet they can enter with a smaller splash, however most dry off with a towel.

Read more: Why_do_Olympic_divers_shower_after_each_dive

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because the water is so cold from a high dive they go in the wading pool to warm back up

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12y ago

They sit in warm water after they dive because the pool water is cold and they want to keep their muscles warm and ready to twist and turn again for their next dive.

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Mainly because the pool is cold and the hot tub keeps them warm and loose instead of cold and stiff. Also allows them to focus for the next dive.

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In Olympic Diving the platform is 10 meters high or 32.8084 feet tall.Springboard diving is 3 meters high or 9.84252 feet tall.

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He wanted to try diving when he watched swimmers using the dive boards at his local swimming club in Plymouth when he was 7-years-old. He gave it a go and became hooked.

How high is an Olympic high dive platform from platform to pool?

3m Springboard is 3m 5m springboard is 5m 10m Platform is 10m

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Diving is the present participle of the verb dive.

What do divers dive on?

Diving boards

Why do swimmers get in the small Poole after a dive?

To warm up

What is the duration of Diving In?

The duration of Repeat Dive is 1.45 hours.

What is Olympic diving?

it's a sport during the summer olympics, where athletes who've trained for this compete. they dive off of springboards (3 meter) and platform (3,5,9 meter).

Which Country does Tom Daley dive for?

England and Great Britain depending on which events he is at.