the reason many ancient civilizations believed in gods was because they really didn't have much reason for many occurrences. If their was a hurricane or a volcanic eruption, it was because they thought the gods were mad at them. Having gods gave them a reason for things that at the time they couldn't explain.
The ancient people believed that the Gods and Goddesses they worshiped would protect them and bring them good harvest or the like. Women would pray to Hera/Juno for children usually.
it is the home of the gods and goddesses from the ancient Aztec civilizations
Both of these Ancient Civilizations worshipped many gods/goddesses.
Ancient Civilization has Greek mythology that they believe in.
Walter Addison Jayne has written: 'The healing gods of ancient civilizations' -- subject(s): Ancient Medicine, Healing gods, Medicine, Ancient, Mythology
No, but the ancient Greeks did.
Roman gods were invented over time just like those in all other civilizations. They started out with vague gods of their own but quickly absorbed those worshipped in Ancient Greece.
The number of gods and goddesses the ancient Egyptians knew of and worshiped has not been counted.
not all the ancient people did the Greeks believed in like 50 gods/goddesses
they do not belive in them
Only if you believe in the ancient Greek gods.