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Q: Why did the europen countries mainly compete to control territory in the new world?
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How many europen country are there in the world?

There are 44 countries in Europe.

How many country of europen senzin?

There are 44 countries in Europe.

What 2 major Europen countries were the enmies on during world war 2?

These two major countries are England and United States of America.

Europen country beginning with the letter A?

Albania, Andorra, Armenia and Austria are countries in Europe. They begin with the letter A.

War strategy of us?

Save Great Britain from falling to Germany (and the remaining Europen Countries), then defeat the Axis in detail.

How many europen countries had the Nazis occupied by 1940?

By the end of 1940, Nazi troops occupied around 12 European countries, but many more were under Nazi control or allied to the Nazis, just not with German troops in. If you're America, it might be worth noting that Britain wasn't invaded by the Nazis. Not ever.

United Nations and FIFA who is the richer?

F.I.F.A is richer then U.E.F.A, as F.I.F.A contains all the countries in the world and U.E.F.A has only Europen countries.

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What is the Europen country that is famous for its wine?

Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece and a number of other European countries are famous for their wines.

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In the 1700s, Britain claimed and settled into Australia, as Britain declared the island and continent sparsely uninhabited, or, 'terra nulius', under which they began to rule this territory.

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