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Q: Why did an athlete need to be rich in order to compete in the olympic games?
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How old must the athlete be in order to compete in the YOG?

14 to 18

The olympic games were held in order to?

honor Zeus.

Why couldn't the olympic trainers or competitors wear clothes?

Competitors were not required, but it was expected. The Greeks believed a beautiful naked body glorified the gods and made competition easier. Trainers were required to be nude to prove gender after one of the athlete's mothers disguised herself as a trainer in order to watch her son compete.

How many nations were in the Olympics 2012?

None. Ghana's and Kuwait's ban has now been lifted. The bans originated from government interference with the olympic committee and athlete selection. Saudi Arabia was threatened due to their law prohibiting female athletes, but in order to compete they lifted the law and brought three female athletes.

Which events take place in the olympic games in alphabetical order?


What festival did the Greeks create in order to honor Zeus?

The Olympic games were created to honor Zeus

Who announced Katniss and Peeta to join the Hunger Games?

Effie Trinket is the women who chooses the two teenagers who compete in the Hunger games for district 12 every year. In the movie the hunger games, she chose Peeta to compete and Katniss's sister, Primrose to compete. Katniss volunteered to take Primrose's place in order to save her life, and in the process, risking her own.

How does the IOC determine whether a sport is eligible for the Olympic games?

In order to be considered for the Olympic games, a sport must have an international organization that runs the competitions. It must be practiced in enough countries to make it truly international.

When was Olympic Order created?

Olympic Order was created in 1975.

What is the Panhellenic Festival?

A panhellenic festivals were festivals celebrated by the ancient Greeks. Each Greek polis (city-state) would gather and participate in these festivals. Many featured athletic, literary or musical contests. This is where the Olympic Games originated from; individuals would compete in order to win glory and honor for their polis.

How many years did Beijing China have to plan and build for the 2008 Olympic Games?

Beijing was awarded the 2008 Games on July 13, 2001. They had seven years to get everything in order for the Games.

What 12.65m prov and auto 11.63 score in triple jump what does that mean?

Generally the auto score would be higher than the provisional score. In track events in order to qualify for Championship competitions, such as the IAAF World Championships, there are certain performance standards. So if an athlete jumps 12.65 meters in the triple jump (auto) they automatically get to compete at the championships. If an athlete jumps 11.63 meters (provisional) then they aren't guaranteed to compete at the championships, they might if not enough people hit the auto mark, but it depends.