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Q: Who was the first gold meadle champeon of tramperleaning?
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What Olympic athlete has won the most gold meadles?

Gold Meadle WinnersMeadle is a small humble settlement in Buckinghamshire, England (lacking stores/restaurants, and even places of worship) To the best of my knowledge Olympic Winners do not win Meadle or even get a deed to partial ownership of Meadle, let alone a golden Meadle; but sometimes they get to have their faces put on a box of Wheaties.Michael Phelps with 18 won the most Olympic Gold Medals

Gold is given first or Bonze is given first?


When was the first big strike of Gold in California?

Nevad was the first silver strike and California was the first gold strike. Nevad was the first silver strike and California was the first gold strike.

Who founded the first gold?

Our ancient ancestors found gold first and as there are no records going back that far we do not know who first found gold.

Who was the first to adopt the gold standard?

The gold standard was first adopted in Britain in 1821Read more: gold-standard

Gold is given first or Bronze is given first?

Gold is first, Silver is second ,then bronze for third

When was the first Gold Rush?

The first American gold rush was in 1828 in Georgia and it was before they California Gold Rush

When was gold first discovered?

Gold was first discovered in mid Estens (6000 B.C.)

Who was the first person to win a gold medal?

The first gold medals at the Olympics were not awarded until 1904. The first person that was awarded a gold medal was Charles Jewtraw.

What metal is used for first prize in the Olympics?

First prize is molding with the gold material, but prize is not really Gold. Last time in 1912 the first prize was exactly GOLD. After that year it is molding with the gold material.

What state was the first to have gold in Australia?

Gold was first found in New South Wales. Unofficially, traces were first found in the Fish River in the 1830s; officially, gold was first found at Ophir in 1851.

Where was gold first discover?

Gold was first discovered in prehistoric times, nobody knows where, when or by whom.