Thorpe was raised as a Sauk and Fox.
His father's parents were Irish and Sauk and Fox and his mother's parents were French and Pottawatomie. Thorpe's mother was a descendant of Black Hawk, a great Sauk and Fox chief.
Native Americans are eligible for special scholarships. Their is a Jim Thorpe awarded each year.
Jim Thorpe.
Yes, Jim Thorpe was part Native American. He was also of European ancestry. He played football, baseball, basketball, and was also an Olympic athlete.
Jim Thorpe
Jim Thorpe.
Jim Thorpe
There are thousands of contributions the Native American has given. Jim Thorpe, athlete extraordinaire, was named by congress as the Athlete of the Century. They have given us Maria Tallchief and other famous ballerinas. Charles Curtis was the 31st vice president of the United States
Jim thorpe, ty cobb
THorpe was an american indian and a triathalon athlete,more famous for football....
Native Americans are not a different nation. Our nation is home nation is AMERICA! hello? NATIVE Americans. There have been Natives who have competed in the Olympics. The most famous being Jim Thorpe. Others include Frank Mount Pleasant, Ben Nighthorse Campbell [currently only Native American in Congress; senator of Colorado], Naomi Lang, and a few others. It's not like if we were our own nation we'd get our own land.
Thorpe Seely's mother was Grace Thorpe, daughter of Jim Thorpe and his first wife.
Jim Thorpe