Jamaican usain bolt
Usan Bolt.
Usain Bolt holds the record.
zambiwe fordune
hussian bolt
Yusain Bolt of Jamaica
The worlds fastest runner is Usain Bolt.He broke his own record and he will break it again............Well I am from the Caribbean and this year in Beijing was our year......But the worlds fastest runner is Usain Bolt and he ran 9.69 seconds.
In the 2004 Olympics, the fastest runner was Justin Gatlin from the United States. He won the gold medal in the men's 100 meters event with a time of 9.85 seconds.
Aston is the fastest runner.
The Fastest 400 Meter Runner Of All Times Ran It In 46.18 Seconds,His Name Was Torrin Lawrence.
It was Usain Bolt of Jamaica, who clocked a new world record of 9.69 in the 100 meter dash.
usain bolt is the fastest runner in the world
Wesley Paul is the fastest boy runner
Yes they do usain bolt is the fastest runner in the world other women from Jamaica in the olympics are very fastes
yes he seams to be the fastest runner on the Phillies